Van de Rui

Vue avant de 3/4 Nissan Urvan - Yescapa

6 places sécuriséesPlaces avec ceintures de sécurité

4 places de couchageEspace nuit confortable pour 4 personnes

Permis BVotre permis voiture suffit pour conduire ce véhicule de moins de 3500 kg

Document vérifiéLa Carte grise est certifiée en règle par nos soins

Voyages à l'étranger non autorisésLe propriétaire n'autorise pas son véhicule à sortir du pays

Animaux bienvenus à bordVos animaux de compagnie pourront faire partie du voyage !

Demande de location gratuite et sans engagement !

Inclus dans la location avec Yescapa

  • Assurance multirisques véhicule et passagers

    Assurance incluse ou Protection renforcée, à vous de choisir !

  • Garantie au départ

    Notre équipe vous propose des alternatives en cas de pépin de dernière minute

  • Assistance routière 24h/24 7j/7

    Notre équipe toujours à votre écoute

  • Paiement sécurisé

    Plus de confort avec nos facilités de paiement

Rui vous présente son van

My name is Phoenix and I am the third van in Datsun's Urvan fleet that is now available online for rentals.

One of the most awaited upgrades to Urvan's fleet is this Datsun Urvan Green Phoenix with a lifting roof and extra bed on the roof. The fantastic transformation of this van into a campervan includes the possibility of rolling with 3 (three) seats in the front and another 3 (three) in the back as it has 6 (six) registered seats. The bed behind has two sleeping places and is made by folding the seats that serve, when assembled, as seats at the table. The back area of the van has a large countertop with a built-in two-burner gas stove and sink (the van has two tanks for clean and dirty water). Below we have a refrigerator that works on 12v, gas (when the vehicle is parked) and 220v if we have access to external electricity - plug available for external connection. On the other side of the counter we have storage, several drawers and a small wardrobe as well as a chemical toilet. In the back of the van we can place a platform on the floor and use the shower to remove the salt water from the body as well as the sand we bring from the beach.

The van's cabin is completely energy autonomous as the 60x100cm solar panel feeds an AGM slow-discharge battery. Through the use of a power inverter, we can be isolated in nature for several days with daily use of a 220v socket to charge laptops, smartphones and other small electronic devices, without the need for external charging.

It is possible to walk inside the van as the roof is liftable. Very easy to open and close, the roof was re-lined with tent material that can be ventilated through a zipped window. In the roof area and with the roof raised, we can unfold the decking boards and, using two air mattresses, line the roof so that we have 2 (two) more sleeping places. It is also possible to create a bed for a child/teenager in the front of the van on top of the 3 (three) seats, thus having a total of 5 (five) sleeping places.

The Phoenix has a gear lever on the steering wheel, is equipped with several USB connections where portable devices can be charged, has a Bluetooth car radio with powerful speakers in the cabin and allows you to answer calls.

Surfboards, bodyboards and skateboards and much more camping equipment can be added on request.

Phoenix is available for camping enthusiasts who want to enjoy the wonderful spots that our coast has, in complete autonomy.



Couchage 1

Lit toit relevable

150x200 cm
Couchage 2

Lit dinette

150x200 cm


  • Réfrigérateur
  • Kit de vaisselle
  • Nécessaire de ménage
  • Consommables
  • Radar de recul
  • Autoradio
  • Bluetooth
  • Entrée audio / iPod
  • Douche extérieure

Caractéristiques techniques

  • ModèlePhoenix Urvan
  • Mise en circulation1982
  • PTAC2 675 kg
  • Hauteur2 m

Conditions de la location

Conditions du propriétaire

  • Voyage à l'étrangerNon autorisé
  • Permis de conduirePermis B
  • Animaux à bordAutorisé
  • Véhicule fumeurAutorisé
  • Dépassement kilométrique0,75 € par km supplémentaire


  • Règlement de la cautionGerée en direct par le propriétaire, espèces
  • Montant750 €

Conditions d’annulation

Les modalités de remboursement varient en fonction de la date d'annulation de la réservation.


  • Frais de ménage35,00 € par location

Lieu de prise en charge

Lisboa (1600-038), Portugal

L'adresse exacte vous sera communiquée lorsque la réservation sera confirmée.

50 avis provenant d'une réservation vérifiée

RuiBest OwnerPropriétaire particulier — Sur Yescapa depuis 2019Rui fait partie de nos Best Owners : ce sont les propriétaires les mieux notés sur Yescapa, avec qui nous entretenons une relation de confiance privilégiée.

Sou o Rui, tenho 40 anos e grande parte deles ligados ao mundo automóvel. Camping e natureza assim como música e convívio com os amigos são algumas das minhas preferências e hobbies. Tenho a minha Nissan Urvan Campervan de 1987 na Yescapa há cerca de 4 anos e após o sucesso que tive com ela decidi investir em novas viaturas. A Bluey é a nova Urvan a estar online e fará com certeza furor dado o estado em que se encontra. A sua cor azul Malibu, a baixa distância ao solo, os faróis dianteiros em LED e os vidros espelhados fazem com que ninguém fique indiferente quando ela passa. Todas as carrinhas estão equipadas de tudo o que é necessário para poder desfrutar uns dias ou semanas pela natureza, campo ou praia do nosso lindo país, sempre em perfeita harmonia com o meio ambiente, na melhor companhia possível.

  • Note globale
  • Taux de réponse100 %
  • Langues parléesAnglais, Espagnol, Portugais
  • Profil certifié

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